Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Shhh. . . Don't tell my husband

I want another baby after this one.

There is no rational reason for this. In fact there are many reasons to argue against it.
  • This pregnancy has been difficult physically.
  • I've worried from the moment the second pink line appeared on the stick.
  • Being a good mom to a toddler and being pregnant have been tough.
  • We don't have the space for any more children.
  • We don't have enough money to raise another.
  • Have you seen the projections for the cost of college by the time these two are ready?
  • Four years of changing diapers is probably quite enough.
  • We will be in our sixties by the time we launch the two we have.
  • My FSH makes another child unlikely.

But still, there is a sense of sadness as I approach the end of this pregnancy. I don't want to believe that this is it. That we are done.

Where does this desire for children come from anyway? Is it hardwired? Do men have it? Does the sadness of having closed the door ever go away?

1 comment:

Andrew McAllister said...

All those reasons for not having another child? I suspect most parents-to-be can own up to several items on that list.As for the why, Mother Nature seems to be a powerful force. She wants lots of little peoples running around so she seems to do everything in her power to get us all to comply. Her won-loss record seems pretty good, too :o) Hope all goes well for you!