Monday, June 30, 2008

Beta Hell

My beta on Friday was a whopping 13.5. Ugh. On the bright side, we know that First Response is VERY sensitive. The nurse called today and sounded skeptical that this pregnancy will be viable. The doctor (who I have never met) wants another beta and a progesterone tomorrow to see what is happening. I've been doing my own pee-on-a-stick beta monitoring and while the lines are darker than they were on Friday, they aren't all that impressive. Whatever happens, I'll be OK, but I hate having to wait until Wednesday for my next beta results.

1 comment:

Nico said...

Ugh. Double Ugh. 13.5 doesn't sound very good. But I'm still going to hope for the best - after all, betabase has at least a few successful pg with betas of like 2 at 14dpo. So it happens for some people (unless they're just complete morons and actually have no idea when they really ovulated), why not you??? It does seem like a long time to wait until Friday. Maybe a four day bender in the interim?