Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Haven't cried in two days; must be getting a handle on things. That or clomid side effects are wearing off. For the record, it is cruel business to tell someone in the grips of Clomid that she has failed the clomid challenge test and therefore has less a chance of becoming pregnant than Terri Schiavo had of running a marathon. Making her wait three weeks for a follow-up is plain wrong.


  • My women friends are wonderful. This is particularly true of the women I met while ttc and while pregnant with Baby E.
  • I've corresponded with three REs who were not put off by my day 10 FSH (freaking stupid hormone) levels. I may need to travel great distance at great expense, but they will accept me for IVF.
  • I am going to hire a nanny tomorrow. Actually, I'll hire two who alternate so they don't get Baby E burnout. It is expensive, but necessary, as current arrangement is not working.
  • Colds don't last forever. Right? Baby E caught one, has passed it to me, and now her father may be the first man to die of the common cold.
  • All this stress is leading to loss of appetite and weight loss. I'll be back to my trim summer weight in no time. How I have put on four pounds since August, I have no idea.

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