Monday, August 13, 2007

A Technical Question

It would be very helpful for me to be able to strikethrough my depressingly long to-do list. However, when I try to cut and paste from Word, Blogger loses my formatting. I do not see a strikethrough button on the Blogger editing menu. Can anyone tell me how to get strikethrough formatting? I know I've seen others bloggers using it.


Anna said...

Hey Em, thank you for your kind and empathetic comment on my blog. :) Good luck with the running. I did 3.25 miles this morning (on treadmill, of course) and I'm really trying to get to the gym 5 days a week. Damn, it's hard! I'm rooting for you, too!

I don't know how to do the strike though, but there's got to be a way. I'm going to do another post tonight and see if I could figure it out. I'll let you know if I manage it!

Nico said...

Hi! You can just manually enter the tags - put "del" and "/del" inside the angle brackets used for html tags. I can't do an example here b/c then blogger thinks I'm trying to actually use the tags... if this doesn't make sense, feel free to email me.