Friday, July 13, 2007


M will be 11 months next week. My breastfeeding goal was to make it to a year, and I do believe we will do this (no thanks to lazy lefty). I am planning to commence with day weaning after we take a family vacation to the N.C. mountains at the end of this month. Thanks to my frozen stash, M should be able to get breast milk during the day right up until the one year mark when I will switch her to whole milk and start night weaning. The photo at left doesn't do my stash justice: the entire bottom shelf of a stand-up freezer is full and there is more in the house. How did that happen?

Why I look forward to weaning

  • I am tired of being hooked to the pump three times a day. My inner heifer is rebelling, I suppose.
  • When I go to my office, I look like a bag lady.
  • Nursing bras aren't sexy, cute, or even sporty.
  • I dress for nursing and pumping access, not for fashion.
  • I'm still hanging onto eight extra pounds, and I blame nursing.
  • I smell like maple syrup from fenugreek consumption.
  • My DD girls need their own zip code.
  • Eight razor sharp baby teeth and more where they came from.

Why the thought of weaning makes me sad

  • After a disastrous nursing experience with E, I feel a certain sense of accomplishment this time.
  • Some days it feels like the only quality one-on-one time I get with M is while we are nursing.
  • M doesn't seem ready. She is very much a boob baby, crawling at breakneck speed to find me when she wants to nurse. The cadence of hands and feet on hardwood signals her intent. When I lift her to me, she buries her head in my chest and starts protesting at the clothes that are in her way. How am I going to say no to that?
  • I'm not quite sure how to go about weaning. Drop one feeding a week? Every few days? Switch to a cup or stick with the bottle? Nurse for comfort? Find another comfort object?
  • Because, despite all my anxiety about not being able to meet her needs, I did it, I enjoyed it, and I found it life affirming.
  • I know that she is probably my last child and weaning closes a chapter of my life.


AmyinMotown said...

I am in awe--I coud NOT get much milk pumping, 3 ounces total at most. I never really had more than a day's stash. Great job!! You'll be able to keep her on breastmilk for a long time.

I ended up sort of weaning cold turkey so take this for what it's worth, but I would suggest maybe giving her a paci if you are SURE she's just asking to comfort nurse. Then maybe replace one feeding with a bottle, whenever you think she's going to be most hungry--and maybe have J give it for awhile so she won't be like ""the boob is RIGHT THERE, Mom! What gives?" I also think weaning on vacation is good idea--routines are going to be different anyway.
Good luck!

Nico said...

That looks like enough milk for a year! I think we have about six bags left.

I think if she'll take the milk from a sippy cup you should go directly to that for the feedings you're replacing rather than a bottle - that way you don't have to do the bottle to sippy transition later when it might be harder as she'll be more willful.

I also think it's a good idea to drop one feed at a time, and wait as much time in between as it takes for your body to adjust and stop producing quite as much. I've dropped two feedings so far, and I've only felt full the day after, so two-three days in between should be just fine.

Congrats for making it this far!!!

kazumi said...

I too am in awe. Wow.

And I sighed when I read your last point....

Anonymous said...

Wow Em that is one impressive freezer. And...I too can see the end of nursing and it is sad, such a beautiful time.(although freedom! Woohoo!)