Sunday, January 07, 2007

Focus: Making Every Moment Count

The reason E and M are in daycare is because I have to work.

I have several projects underway, but the main feature is completing an introductory text. I've been under contract for this project for quite some time. In theory, I am already in breech of contract, but they are giving me until this summer to complete it. As I've said in this space before, agreeing to the project was the biggest mistake of my professional life. And yet, I must slog on.

Last week I did very little on it and now I am kicking myself. M was in daycare without me for 18 hours and I barely touched the project. I'll give myself a little slack for Tuesday--I was heartsick and teary--but I spent so much time freaking about the pumping situation on Wednesday and Thursday, that I didn't do much writing. This won't do.

My belated New Year's resolution is to make every moment count. So I can get back to my children and my life.

Specifically, I need to:

  • Work on organization. I spend too much time trying to remember where I am on projects. I forget file names, save everything to the same folder, and do other things that are ultimately time wasters. I need to write myself a note at the end of each work session so I can jump back into things more easily the next. I need to file notes daily so they don't accumulate in a big pile next to my desk.
  • Stop multitasking. M is in daycare because I'm unable to write and care for a baby simultaneously, yet I often find myself trying to write while responding to emails, taking phone calls, and tending to the house.
  • Exercise. I'm a calmer, more focused person when I get some exercise. However, I haven't been getting much exercise because I feel guilty for taking the time. When weather cooperates, I will take a walk or (better yet!) a short run to the river and back. I'll make myself get to the gym once a week for weights or a pilates class.
  • Compartmentalize. Except to stop to pump, I have to stop worrying so much about the children so I can be clear-headed.
  • Remind myself everyday that this project will end.
OK-help keep me honest. I need to get this out of the way so the guilt and vague sense of doom disappear.


OvaGirl said...

Em I understand a lot of where you are coming from. I'm also trying to write to a deadline and my baby is currently taken out by his dad every afternoon so I can do just that. And it takes me a while to get into the writing groove each day, to clear the fuzzy head that is such a big part of being a mother. Don't be too hard on yourself. Yes, of course committ to writing a bit each day or each session, but try not to think of it as attacking the whole thing in one big lump. Give yourself small goals that you can tackle one by one.
Do you know Anne Lamont's book "Bird By Bird"? It has some great advice about doing just that with your writing. I don't want to say you must read it straightaway because I know how easy it is to be sidetracked from the work by all the helpful other stuff but it is very good.
But the advice I heard recently was that we need a tube of "bum glue" to stick us to our seat because that's the only way to get things done.
You're not alone! Think of me plugging away and I'll think of you and that will encourage us both to keep going, bird by bird, bit by bit.
Hang in there.

Em said...

So funny that you mention Bird by Bird. I opened a "mystery box" in our attic over the weekend. It has been there since we moved in two years ago. Guess what was at the top of it? I've put it next to the bed--yes, despite being exhausted I MUST read something each evening--and will likely open it tonight.

Hope you are getting some rest. I just read that Tricky is keeping you up (and tittywhipped is my new favorite OG term!). We are doing the same here. I'm hoping it is a growth spurt.

Happy Writing!

christine said...

Promise to keep you honest. Good luck Em.